Revealing Skydio the self flying camera

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Skydio, a four-year-old autonomous drone startup founded by former Google engineers, has revealed what they’ve been working on (and $42M in new funding). The Skydio R1 is an AI-powered autonomous drone that flies all on its own. It locks on to a subject (like yourself, going on a run) and follows along through trees and obstacles, without losing track.

A Quantum Leap in Autonomous Drone Technology

Casey Neistat compared the R1’s autonomous features to the market leader DJI, saying: “It would be a little bit like comparing a Ford Model T to a Lamborghini. This isn’t a small step up, it’s a quantum leap in tracking and following technology.”

Marc Andreessen tweeted: “I’m temporarily breaking my Twitter break to highlight one of the most amazing tech breakthroughs I’ve ever seen, from Skydio.” Watch the demo video of the self-flying camera in action.

As hardware gets commoditized, it’s the software that matters. Skydio is further along than anyone, faster than they even anticipated due to advancements in deep learning and AI. The company went all-in with 13 cameras (instead of sensors) for tracking. This is a deep-tech startup that is making the fully autonomous drone a reality.

If you’re interested in the space, Skydio is hiring on AngelList.

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